These lessons are the foundation of the process in which our teachers work. Students start in our Technique class and then transition into Scene Study classes.
This is a nine-week curriculum focused on developing your instrument (concentration, imagination, relaxation) through exercises and improvisation. You will develop a practical method or process of acting that works for you. Assignments are given, prepared out of class, and then presented in class.
We offer technique classes both in-person and online. These lessons are the foundation of the process in which our teachers work. Students start in our Technique class and then transition into Scene Study classes
Online Technique Intensive
This six-week intensive class uses the same nine-lesson curriculum as our in-studio classes. It is focused on developing your instrument (concentration, imagination, relaxation,) through exercises and improvisation. You will develop a practical method or process of acting that works for you. Assignments are given, prepared out of class, and then presented in class. Class meets via Zoom twice a week.
In-Person Technique
We offer nine-week sessions of our in-person Technique program. Classes meet at our studio on La Cienega Blvd in Los Angeles, CA. The nine-week Technique program is $900. We also offer a six-month package that includes the Technique course followed by Scene Study. When Technique is completed, you move right into Scene Study classes. This package is for six consecutive months—do not buy this package if you plan to take a break in your studies.
Enrollment in either of these classes will qualify you as a studio member. You will receive our studio binder and member discounts on workshops and private lessons.
Scene Study
Los Angeles Scene Study 1 is the bridge between Technique Class and Scene Study. Students will break down and work on a scene for four weeks. The focus is on improv, technique, and growth.
We offer this class at our Los Angeles studio three times each week:
• Tuesdays at 6:30 pm
• Saturdays at 1:00 pm
• Sundays at 2:00 pm
We also offer this class online once a week.
Scene Study class audits are available on Monday and Thursday evenings. See our Audits page for more details.
Scene Study 2
In our Los Angeles Scene Study 2 class we explore the actor’s process in scenes. This is a more advanced scene study class focusing on character and technique. Preparation is the key to this dynamic class.
Students usually work every week on a scene or monologue.
We offer this class at our Los Angeles studio twice a week:
• Mondays at 7:00 pm
• Mondays at 12:30 pm
We also offer an online Scene Study II/III class.
Master Class
Los Angeles Scene Study 3 applies the actor’s process consistently. This is advanced character study.
This is our most advanced Scene Study class for working actors or students who've worked their way up through our studio Scene Study classes. Students usually work every week using material from film, television, and theater.
This class is held at our Los Angeles studio on Thursdays at 7:00 pm
For those who can’t make it to the studio, we also offer a combined online Scene Study II/III class

Specialty Classes
Specialty Classes are special classes that are open to both current studio members and non-members. Let us know if there are any classes that you’d like to see us offer.
Improv for acting is exactly how it sounds. It’s improv for actors! No improv experience needed! We will go through basic improv exercises meant for discovery of character and, more importantly, FREEDOM. So, sign up for this class and learn to get out of your head and out of your own way!
We offer two voice workshops.
Susan Wilder focuses on voice coaching for film, accents and dialects and finding your natural voice and correcting any bad habits.
Workshops with Dan O’Callaghan, have a singing focus, but also breath control and gaining conscious control of the voice.
They are both excellent.
Staged Combat
Audition Technique is designed to get you booking work. You’ve taken acting classes but now you need to learn how to take that skill and translate it into shining in your auditions, being fearless, making choices that work for you and the character. Learn how to prepare in person and self tape auditions, we practice with real audition material. Typically taught by Shannon Sturges but all of our coaches have vast auditioning and coaching experience.
Audition Technique
Our four-week Staged Combat Intensive includes:
Conditioning exercises designed to make you think, move and act like a fighter.
Instruction on how to safely throw a variety of punches, kicks, elbows, knees, and head-butts.
Learn basic wrestling/street fighting holds without hurting yourself or anyone else.
The basics of fight choreography applicable to film, television, and stage. Learn the difference between real fighting and staged combat.
(Be prepared to sweat!)